Bluewater District School Board

Bluewater's Strategic Plan page

Strategic Plan

Multi-Year Strategic Plan poster graphicAt the Regular Meeting of the Board on December 17, 2019, trustees approved Bluewater District School Board's new Multi-Year Strategic Plan.  

A review of the Multi-Year Strategic Plan was initiated by trustees in January 2019.  Part of the process included a public survey in the spring of 2019, of which 363 submissions were received.  Feedback was used to draft a revised Multi-Year Strategic Plan for review by the Policy Standing Committee at their June 2019 meeting.  Proposed changes to Board Policy BP 1101-D “Bluewater District School Board Strategic Plan” were then submitted to stakeholder groups and the public for further feedback during the fall of 2019.  

The new Multi-Year Strategic Plan outlined below sets the direction for Bluewater District School Board over the next three to five years.

Learning Today, Leading Tomorrow

To provide a quality education for every student in a safe, accepting, and caring environment.


Priority #1:  Safe Supportive Learning Community

  • work together to support wellness
  • foster the strengths, contributions, and overall health of students and staff

Priority #2:  Quality Instruction

  • provide relevant learning experiences that foster critical and forward thinking, innovation, creativity, and problem solving
  • use evidence informed instructional methods to support competency in literacy and numeracy

Priority #3:  Community Engagement

  • use effective communication skills (e.g., listening, speaking, observing, and empathizing) to engage families and community to support students and enhance learning
  • actively seek input from students, staff, families, and community on matters of achievement and well-being

Priority #4:  Stewardship of Resources

  • align human and financial resources to maximize operational efficiencies and manage risk
  • cultivate leadership to facilitate succession planning
  • ensure transparency
  • encourage partnerships
  • support and promote, where possible, the implementation of environmental procedures, practices, and programs that are consistent with a healthy, safe, and sustainable environment

The Bluewater District School Board Multi-Year Strategic Plan includes five core values:

  • Ensure Quality
  • Enhance Equity
  • Support Partnerships
  • Deliver Accountability
  • Maintain Healthy and Safe Environments

Bluewater District School Board graduates will demonstrate the following qualities:

  • Resiliency
  • Self-direction
  • Adaptability
  • Innovation
  • Advocacy

The Bluewater District School Board Multi-Year Strategic Plan is reviewed annually and serves as a critically important reference tool for trustees and the senior leadership team in informing decision-making regarding all matters affecting student achievement and well-being.

Bluewater District School Board is located on the traditional land of the Saugeen Ojibway Nation, which is represented by the communities of Saugeen First Nation and Chippewas of Nawash Unceded First Nation.
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